The differences between the generations may be unsettling or overwhelming, but rest assured that history repeats itself and everything is in order. Author Steven R. Dolby sums up the category of 'Boomers' as "We are 76 million strong and raised at a time characterized by parental discipline and kids who knew how to create their entertainment. Although some of the antics we considered harmless fun would be criminal by current standards."

Steven grew up on the leading edge of the Baby Boomer generation. At the end of WWII, he was born in Port Arthur, Texas, and the second of seven children in a military family; Steven's father, an Air Force pilot, was transferred frequently on assignment. As a result, Steven attended private Catholic and public schools in 11 states across the United States and Alaska, then a territory, and Japan. He became adept at making friends everywhere, from Okinawa to Omaha and each place the family settled in between, a skill he discovered to be an essential life skill.

In 1967, Steven was drafted into the U.S. Army. He was sent to Officer Candidate School, resulting in an assignment in Germany as a First Lieutenant in a nuclear-capable artillery battalion. Upon completing his military service, he enrolled in California State University, Northridge, where he completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Marketing. With a degree in hand, Steven went to work for Tran World Airlines (TWA), where he managed Boeing 747 flights to Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. After many years with TWA, Steven moved into a career as an investment and financial advisor, which he recently retired from after forty years.

Recently, Steven completed "Boomer," his first book, a memoir packed full of amusing anecdotes about his childhood, his contentious relationship with his father, and his experiences as an officer in the military. The reader will meet the colorful and engaging cast of characters from all stages of Steven's life, from childhood, college, military, business, and beyond. A few of the individual readers will encounter are citizens from countries around the globe, encounters with celebrities with their nuanced personalities, and ordinary people at their best and their worst, all while Steve is navigating his life through an unexpected divorce, newfound love, and the joys of becoming a father.
"We are 76 million strong and raised at a time characterized by parental discipline and kids who knew how to create their entertainment.
Readers of all generations will find "Boomer" reflective, full of adventure, wildly entertaining, and relatable. "Boomer" is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Thrift Books, and several other booksellers. Author Steven Dolby, now settled in Phoenix, Arizona, is currently at work researching his next book. After all, whenever we share a personal story with others, we provide an enchanting testament illustrating the distinctive characteristics of our estranged and prose-like being.