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Coming into the Country
"Alaska is a land of lost summers, frozen dreams, and where life sleeps under blankets of white and wakes to find a half-year's a day."...

Writing Readers a Rhapsody
The thought begins, “I’m not sure who I was in a past life, but I’m positive I would’ve written you a rhapsody.” In this life, author and...

Fascinated by the Power of Words
If you asked author Josephine DeFalco, why she chose words as her tools, she would tell you, "Words fascinate me. As the language of the...

The Art of Writing a Memoir
By definition, a memoir demands a certain degree of introspection and self-disclosure to engage a reader fully. The narrator must make...

Filling the Pondering Pool
The prose began, "I am words I speak, songs I sing, inhalations, exhalations of a million nuances and thoughts propelling me moment to...

Curiosity Forms the Foundation of Creativity
Writing in the Hollins Critic , Lewis Turco said of Lois Roma-Deeley's work, "She can pull a reader into her world by the nape of the...

Creating an Extraordinary Life
Louise Hay wrote, "You have the power to heal your life." Yet, we are not born with conscious knowledge of the process. It is at this...

The Healing Power in Poetry
"In this space today, I will rewrite my story.” These words are grounding, motivating and an inspirational influence for former City of...
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