Scottsdale author Earl L. Goldmann, at age 87, has launched his second memoir. Part autobiographical and expose, Intestinal Fortitude weaves his battles with physical injury, alcohol abuse, depression, and recovery even when he succeeds as a basketball standout, teacher, and coach. Over the last twenty years, Earl became a permanent resident of Scottsdale, married Patricia L. Brooks, and cofounded Brooks-Goldmann Publishing Company. In much of the tradition of Earnest Hemingway and Truman Capote, who set their musings and observations to paper with pen and pencil, so did Earl, etching his notes and stories on a legal pad. Patricia, also a memoirist, served as his typist and proofreader to craft the manuscript into draft form for her Critique Group and professional editing.

Earl states, "Growing up in Tillamook, Oregon, on the Pacific Coast was any boy’s dream. The community was known for its dairy products and loved for the ‘Main Street’ quality. Tillamook was small enough to be personable yet large enough to attract interesting and creative people.”

An example is Earl’s 7th-grade memory, "One day, an author came to talk about writing a book. She donated a copy of hers to the school library. I was so impressed by her, I never forgot it.” This experience stuck with Earl; he became fascinated with the prospect of someday authoring his own story. After graduation from high school, Earl attended Oregon State University in Corvallis with the benefit of two scholarships for baseball and basketball. The story of Earl's path turned into an exceptionally long and winding road is the foundation of his second memoir and recently published book Intestinal Fortitude. He traces the arch of his journey through hope, disappointment, persistence, and endurance that resulted in success and gratitude. After surviving a horrific auto accident in college, where two people perished, Earl was left with survivor's guilt and alcoholism, yet he never lost hope. He would later return to school at Portland State University, where he earned two degrees in Education.

Earl taught high school history and government for twenty-six years. He avidly supported high school athletics for the character-building qualities sports teams offered. As a result, Earl coached various sports, including basketball and track. His belief in the athletic talents of all young people resulted in Earl’s starting and coaching the girl’s golf program at Canby High School in Canby, Oregon. Soon after retiring, he traveled to Arizona to visit his son, who had recently taken a job in Scottsdale. To his amazement Christmas Day that year was 72 degrees. He wondered why he was sitting in Oregon during the rainy winters. The reasonable choice was to join the flocks of ‘snowbirds’ that winter in the ‘Valley of the Sun.’ Little did Earl suspect the next chapter of his life was about to offer exciting possibilities when he met his next-door neighbor Patricia Brooks. She was embarking on writing her first memoir and had a successful career in teaching marketing to college students. Earl and Patricia soon found they had more in common other than a condominium complex address.
“Growing up in Tillamook, Oregon, on the Pacific Coast was any boy’s dream. The community was known for its dairy products and loved for the ‘Main Street’ quality. Tillamook was small enough to be personable yet large enough to attract interesting and creative people.”

Armed with the inspiration of a life well lived and the guidance of Patricia, Earl, realized a long-time goal and completed his first memoir Bounce Back in 2017, followed by his second memoir Intestinal Fortitude in June 2022. Motivated by outstanding reviews and book orders coming his way, he and Patricia are heading out on a book tour. Earl’s book launch parties are occurring in Canby and Tillamook, Oregon, in August 2022 and in Scottsdale, Arizona, in September 2022. For further information on Intestinal Fortitude and Bounce Back by Earl L. Goldmann, request a speaking engagement, or purchase your copy of both books, visit the Brooks-Goldmann Publishing website.