The question is, why fit in when you are born to stand out! And stand out you will, donning a masterfully crafted piece of jewelry created by Scottsdale artist Cindy Lopatynski. Cindy grew up in the small rural farming community of Arlington, Iowa. Her father owned the local Texaco gas station, and her mother owned the general store. Time spent helping out in the store is where young Cindy learned her people skills. But it was time with grandmother McFarlane that formed the foundation of Cindy's 'out of the box' design style. Hours spent crafting puppets for puppet shows, creating bread dough sculptures, and playing dress-up with Grandma's vintage jewelry built a bright, imaginative world.

By the time Cindy entered high school, she was designing and making her own wardrobe. She was also getting into the sciences, fascinated with how things worked. From that point Cindy went on to complete a degree in Fashion Management from Ellsworth College in Iowa Falls, Iowa.

Soon after graduation, she launched into a 15-year retail sales career where she held several positions as Division Manager. Cindy soon advanced to the Buyers level for large department stores in ladies' and children's clothing. She remembers during this time, "My eyes were open to the world of fashion on a large scale." Cindy also taught Fashion Management courses at a local Community College. Eventually, the lifestyle of travel and glitz would be set aside for a more "stay close to home with a regular schedule career."
"My eyes were open to the world of fashion on a large scale."

According to Cindy, "I changed course to work in the insurance industry as an agent, eventually owning an agency. I retired in 2012 to created my next act." She arrival in Arizona in 1992; according to Cindy, "I came to Arizona on vacation to visit a girlfriend and her husband.

I immediately fell in love with the state and its lifestyle, this prompted my move; I have loved living here ever since." Today, Cindy works from her jewelry studio created from a spare room of her home. "I give credit to my incredibly supportive husband allowing me as much space as I need to expand, grow in creating my designs and collections." Cindy Lopatynski describes her process as "I love designing with beautiful old vintage jewelry my goal is to provide it with a new life. When I find a piece that catches my eye, I start to create with it; each piece is unique and inspired by what I find. I especially love customers that bring their pieces to me and ask me to create something from their family treasures."

Cindy is a member of the Sonoran Arts League and exhibits with them in several shows each year. She also is represented by Adelante Gallery in Spanish Village in Carefree, Arizona. She also sells from her business's online store 'A Cin-D' located at her website. I you are eyeing a piece of old jewelry, contact Cindy Lopatynski to create a one-of-a-kind piece for you.